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啤酒之家 2022-12-10 07:45 编辑:admin 72阅读

1. 海鲜春卷英文

一般就叫spring roll菜卷的话是vegetable spring roll另外还有就是猪肉的pork spring roll一般都是上面的几种,但还有一个vegetarian spring roll,就是罗汉斋春卷

2. 春卷的做法英文

1.main food(主食):1hamburger / burger (hamburgers / burgers) 汉堡.2. rice 米饭 3. noodles 面条4. sausage (sausages) 香肠 5. hot dog (hot dogs) 热狗 6. pizza 比萨饼 7. cake (cakes) 蛋糕 8. meal (meals) 饭 9. bread面包 10. pasta 意大利面食(意大利同心粉)11. sandwich (sandwiches) 三明治(烧饼Clay oven rolls; 油条Fried bread stick;韭菜饺Fried leek dumplings 水饺Boiled dumplings; 蒸饺Steamed dumplings; 馒头Steamed buns 割包Steamed sandwich;饭团Rice and vegetable roll;蛋饼Egg cakes;皮蛋 100-year egg;咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg;豆浆 Soybean milk 饭 类: 稀饭 Rice porridge;白饭 Plain white rice;油饭 Glutinous oil rice; 糯米饭Glutinous rice;卤肉饭Braised pork rice; 蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg;地瓜粥Sweet potato congee 面 类: 馄饨面Wonton & noodles;刀削面Sliced noodles;麻辣面Spicy hot noodles)

2.meat(肉类):1. chicken 鸡肉 2. fish 鱼肉 3. lamb 羊肉 4. beef 牛肉 5. steak 牛排6.咸猪肉bacon7.瘦肉lean meat 8.肥肉speck

3.vegetables(蔬菜):1. potato (potatoes) 土豆 2. tomato (tomatoes) 西红柿 3. cucumber (cucumbers) 黄瓜 4. bean (beans) 豆角5. pea (peas) 豌豆 6. carrot (carrots) 胡萝卜 7. egg (an egg / eggs) 鸡蛋 8. onion(an onion / onions) 洋葱

4.fruit(水果):1. apple (an apple / apples) 苹果 2. orange (an orange / oranges) 桔子 3. banana (bananas)香蕉4. pear (pears) 梨 5. pineapple (pineapples) 菠萝 6. watermelon (watermelons) 西瓜 7. lemon (lemons) 柠檬 8. mango (mangoes) 芒果 9. grape (grapes) 葡萄 10. coconut (coconuts) 椰子 11. nut (nuts) 坚果

5.dessert(甜点):爱玉 Vegetarian gelatin

糖葫芦 Tomatoes on sticks

长寿桃 Longevity Peaches

芝麻球 Glutinous rice sesame balls

麻花 Hemp flowers

冰 类~

绵绵冰 Mein mein ice

麦角冰 Oatmeal ice

地瓜冰 Sweet potato ice

红豆牛奶冰 Red bean with milk ice

八宝冰 Eight treasures ice

豆花 Tofu pudding

果 汁~

甘蔗汁 Sugar cane juice

酸梅汁 Plum juice

杨桃汁 Star fruit juice

青草茶 Herb juice

点 心~

蚵仔煎 Oyster omelet

棺材板 Coffin

臭豆腐 Stinky tofu

油豆腐 Oily bean curd

麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd

天妇罗 Tenpura

虾片 Prawn cracker

虾球 Shrimp balls

春卷 Spring rolls

鸡卷 Chicken rolls

碗糕 Salty rice pudding

筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding

红豆糕 Red bean cake

绿豆糕 Bean paste cake

糯米糕 Glutinous rice cakes

萝卜糕 Fried white radish patty

芋头糕 Taro cake

晶饺 Pyramid dumplings

6.snacks(零食):1. French fries / chips 炸薯条.2 popcorn 爆米花3. ice cream 冰激凌4 chocolate巧克力5pudding 布丁6.melon seed瓜子7 biscuit 饼干8.棒棒糖 bonbon9 mint 薄荷糖 10.ice crust 锅巴

3. 海鲜春卷英文怎么说

中式早点 烧饼     Clay oven rolls 油条     Fried bread stick 韭菜盒    Fried leek dumplings 水饺     Boiled dumplings 蒸饺     Steamed dumplings 馒头     Steamed buns 包子 steamed stuffed bun 割包     Steamed sandwich 饭团     Rice and vegetable roll 蛋饼     Egg cakes 皮蛋     100-year egg 咸鸭蛋    Salted duck egg 豆浆     Soybean milk 饭 类 稀饭     Rice porridge 白饭     Plain white rice 油饭     Glutinous oil rice 糯米饭    Glutinous rice 卤肉饭    Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭    Fried rice with egg 地瓜粥    Sweet potato congee 面 类 馄饨面    Wonton & noodles 刀削面    Sliced noodles 麻辣面    Spicy hot noodles 麻酱面    Sesame paste noodles 鸭肉面    Duck with noodles 鳝鱼面    Eel noodles 乌龙面    Seafood noodles 榨菜肉丝面  Pork , pickled mustard green noodles 牡蛎细面   Oyster thin noodles 板条     Flat noodles 米粉     Rice noodles 炒米粉    Fried rice noodles 冬粉     Green bean noodle 汤 类 鱼丸汤    Fish ball soup 贡丸汤    Meat ball soup 蛋花汤    Egg & vegetable soup 蛤蜊汤    Clams soup 牡蛎汤    Oyster soup 紫菜汤    Seaweed soup 酸辣汤    Sweet & sour soup 馄饨汤    Wonton soup 猪肠汤    Pork intestine soup 肉羹汤    Pork thick soup 鱿鱼汤    Squid soup 花枝羹    Squid thick soup 甜 点 爱玉     Vegetarian gelatin 糖葫芦    Tomatoes on sticks 长寿桃    Longevity Peaches 芝麻球    Glutinous rice sesame balls 麻花     Hemp flowers 双胞胎    Horse hooves 冰 类 绵绵冰    Mein mein ice 麦角冰    Oatmeal ice 地瓜冰    Sweet potato ice 红豆牛奶冰  Red bean with milk ice 八宝冰    Eight treasures ice 豆花     Tofu pudding 果 汁 甘蔗汁    Sugar cane juice 酸梅汁    Plum juice 杨桃汁    Star fruit juice 青草茶    Herb juice 点 心 牡蛎煎    Oyster omelet 臭豆腐    Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu) 油豆腐    Oily bean curd 麻辣豆腐   Spicy hot bean curd 虾片     Prawn cracker 虾球     Shrimp balls 春卷     Spring rolls 蛋卷     Chicken rolls 碗糕     Salty rice pudding 筒仔米糕   Rice tube pudding 红豆糕    Red bean cake 绿豆糕    Bean paste cake 糯米糕    Glutinous rice cakes 萝卜糕    Fried white radish patty 芋头糕    Taro cake 肉圆     Taiwanese Meatballs 水晶饺    Pyramid dumplings 肉丸     Rice-meat dumplings 豆干     Dried tofu 其 他 当归鸭    Angelica duck 槟榔     Betel nut 火锅     Hot pot

4. 海鲜春卷英文翻译



5. 吃春卷的英文怎么说




烧饼 Clay oven rolls

油条 Fried bread stick

水饺 Boiled dumplings

馒头 Steamed buns

饭团 Rice and vegetable roll

皮蛋 100-year egg

豆浆 Soybean milk

咸鸭蛋 Salted duck egg


稀饭 Rice porridge

白饭 Plain white rice

糯米饭 Glutinous rice

蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg


板条 Flat noodles

米粉 Rice noodles

刀削面 Sliced noodles

麻辣面 Spicy hot noodles

乌龙面 Seafood noodles


紫菜汤Seaweed soup

牡蛎汤Oyster soup

蛋花汤Egg & vegetable soup

鱼丸汤Fish ball soup


火锅 Hot pot

虾球 Shrimp balls

春卷 Spring rolls

蛋卷 Chicken rolls

肉丸 Rice-meat dumplings

油豆腐Oily bean curd

臭豆腐Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)



6. 海鲜春卷英文怎么写


7. 炸春卷的英文



①Steam 蒸

“蒸”的英语说法是“steam”。英国人爱吃的蒸出来的中餐有“蒸饺 steamed dumplings”、粤菜中的“点心 dim sum”等。


Steam the buns for twenty minutes till they become soft and fluffy.



②Stir-fry 炒

在英语里,单词“fry”的意思是“炸”,而中餐里最常“炒”菜,这种烹饪方式的英文说法是“stir-fry 翻炒”。比如,“蛋炒饭egg-fried rice”就是用了这种烹饪方式。Stir-fry也可以用作名词,表示“炒菜”,比如“pork stir-fry 炒肉”。


Scramble the eggs in your pan, stir-fry for two minutes and add the cooked rice.



③Deep-fry 油炸

快餐里的“炸鸡 fried chicken”和“炸薯条 chips”等都需要经过“油炸 deep-fry”这道工序。在英国,最受欢迎的需要“deep-fry”的中餐之一就是“春卷spring rolls”了。


Most people think that deep-fry dishes are unhealthy.



④Braise 焖烧

“红烧肉”可以说就是“braise 焖烧”出来的一道中餐经典,这道菜的英文名称是“braised pork belly”。“Braise”指先煎肉、再用文火焖烧的烹饪技巧。


Add ginger, soy sauce, sugar and your spices into the pot and let the pork slowly braise.



⑤Boil 煮

“煮”是中餐和西餐中都很常用的烹饪方式。比如,“煮鸡蛋”是“boil an egg”、“煮意大利面”是“boil the pasta”,“煮水饺”则是“boil the dumplings”。


When making s hot pot feast, it is important to avoid over-boiling the food.



⑥Roast 烤

单词“roast”的意思是“把食物放在烤箱、烤炉、烤架上烘烤”。比如,“北京烤鸭 Peking roast duck”就是一道有名的“烤菜”。


Traditinally, Peking duck is roasted over wood from fruit trees.



⑦Simmer 煨



Gently simmer the green beans on a low heat and make sure they are fully cooked before placing them on a plate.小火煨四季豆,要在装盘前确认豆子煮熟了。


⑦Smoke 熏

经过“smoke 烟熏”的食物通常带有一股特殊的香味。比如,“熏肠 smoked sausages”、“smoked fish熏鱼”等。


To make shredded squid, we normally smoke the squid first and dry it for three to four days in the sun.



⑧Marinate 腌

“腌泡 marinate”是延长保质期和提味的常见方法之一。在家里,我们会将蔬菜长时间泡在“腌渍调料 marinade”里来制作“腌菜 pickles”。


Before we cook the fish, we should marinate it to get a better flavour.


8. 海鲜春卷英文读



















9. 春卷里有蔬菜和肉的英文

在春节里吃饺子汤圆,春卷面条年糕Eat dumplings during the Spring Festival, Glutinous Rice Balls Spring rolls, noodles, rice cake在春节里吃饺子汤圆,春卷面条年糕Eat dumplings during the Spring Festival, Glutinous Rice Balls Spring rolls, noodles, rice cake

10. 吃春卷英文

一般就叫spring roll 菜卷的话是vegetable spring roll 另外还有就是猪肉的pork spring roll 一般都是上面的几种,但还有一个vegetarian spring roll,就是罗汉斋春卷

11. 海鲜饭 英语


Pasta food

乌龙面的英语翻译:Seafood noodles

1. Vegetables, seafood, and finally the material left in the pot add soup, noodles.


2. The chef`s recommended dishes are Chicken Nest Bun, Rice Noodles with Red Wine, Fuzhou Seafood Noodles, Dumpling in Soup, Fried Pancake, and etc.


3. Instant noodles, rice, salad, seafood, shrimp, spaghettie, early for lunch, evening meal.


4. NOODLES IN THE SOUP, spaghetti, spirals, wontons and rice noodles with chicken, beef or seafood in a delicious broth, the best way to warm yourself on a cold day.


5. I like eating dumplings with seafood and noodles.


6. You might get a bowl full of soup with some noodles and seafood, but if you take just the solid part it`s not a huge amount.


7. Food includes: meat, vegetables, noodles, seafood, etc.


鳝鱼面的英语翻译:Eel noodles

1. 三十年后,我已经攒起了一大笔钱,但是我已经厌倦每天做鳝鱼面,所以我决定投资。

After thirty years, I had saved quite a bit of money, but I was getting pretty sick of cooking noodles day in and day out, so I decided to invest.

2. 苏州有一家饭馆,他们那里的招牌菜是鳝鱼面。哦,对了,酸菜鱼是本餐厅的招牌菜之一,不过有占点辣。

In Suzhou, there was a restaurant that specialized in eel noodles. By the way, the Fish with Chinese Sauerkraut is one of the specialties of the house. But it's a bit hot.

3. Other regional delicacies include anago-meshi, or sea eel rice, and tonkatsu ramen from Hakata, a pork-bone white soup with ramen noodles.

