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啤酒之家 2023-02-18 18:20 编辑:admin 113阅读

了解英式英语跟美式英语的不同。 Man:Oh I er …I er actually just got back from LA! That’s “Los Angeles” by the way.... Woman:I know. Man:Yeah, I picked up some of the American words, and now I forget which ones to use! So confusing! Woman:We call these “trousers” in Britain. Man:Of course we do...you know there are so many things …that’s it’s exactly a completely different language sometimes! Woman:Really? Man:You know in the States, you don’t go to watch a film... Woman:You “watch a movie”! Man:Exactly! And you don’t walk on the pavement… Woman:You walk on the “sidewalk”! Man:You got it! Woman:I’ve watched a lot of films...oops...movies! (The End) Glossary British English American English trousers pants crisps (potato) chips chips French fries fizzy drink soda lift elevator film movie pavement sidewalk 文章来源于:海外游学
