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啤酒之家 2022-09-20 22:37 编辑:admin 55阅读



1>>AB GROUP CO.,LTD. 诶比集团:全球知名安防监控产品制造商


3>>Anheuser-Busch Company, 是全球最大的啤酒公司,百威啤酒(Budweiser)是它的自有啤酒品牌。









apache 压力测试工具ab(apache benchmark)


apache : 著名的web服务器

安海斯布希AB也是世界最大啤酒制造商美国安海斯布希(即An-Busch公司,或Anheuser-Busch公司) 的简称



安海斯-布希公司于1981年成立了安海斯-布希国际公司(Anheuser-Busch International Inc.),专门负责开拓国际市场。目前,该公司的啤酒已销往世界80多个国家和地区,并已在包括中国在内的11个国家设厂生产啤酒。


公 司主要生产百威牌啤酒和中德牌啤酒。有着120年历史的美国安海斯--布希公司,采用世界独一无二的榉木酢工艺, 从选料、糖化、发酵、过滤、直到罐装的每一个工序。



2008年7月14日,经过一轮“软硬兼施”后,美国啤酒百威的母公司安海斯(下称“A-B公司”)终于以520亿美元的作价被比利时啤酒公司英博(InBev)收归麾下,英博给出了高达520亿美元的收购价,即平均每股70美元,比第一次65美元有近7.6%溢价。据悉,这个新公司将命名为“安海斯-布什英博”。新的啤酒航母将有460万千升的销售量,跃居世界第一位。新的公司将以692亿欧元的公司市值位列全球消费品公司第四位。由于A-B日后将成为英博的全资子公司,对于整合后的人事安排,双方声明表示公司的北美总部仍将位于A-B所在的密苏里州,InBev 的CEO Brito将再任新公司CEO,同时保证现任A-B的CEO和另一名高层将入公司董事会。


compiled only by Sun Yafei/孙亚非 推介


AB也是 岸本・齐史



AB是美国 RockWell 公司的一个子公司,主要生产PLC(),电机等自动化设备。








北京燕京啤酒股份有限公司称,它拒绝了世界前10大啤酒商的入股提议,其中包括安海斯布希(Anheuser-Busch Cos.,以下简称AB)和南非SABMiller公司两大巨头。   燕京啤酒是中国没有外资合作伙伴的最大啤酒公司。燕京啤酒表示它更乐意收购其他公司,而不愿意被收购。燕京啤酒计划在未来6年斥资20亿元人民币(合2.41亿美元)收购其他啤酒厂,将提高产能2/3至500万吨。燕京啤酒目前是国宴啤酒。燕京啤酒负责收购的主管官员傅春风(音译)在接受电话采访时说:我们希望成为中国啤酒工业的最后一块阵地。我们有很好的品牌,我们不缺钱。   除中国以外的其他大国啤酒市场已经饱和,AB、SABMiller等海外啤酒商正纷纷在华扩张业务。AB上周在哈尔滨啤酒的控股权之争中战胜南非SABMiller,注资7.57亿美元入股这家中国第四大啤酒公司。  世界排名前五位的啤酒企业都在中国啤酒厂有股份。最大啤酒公司AB已与中国四大啤酒商中的两家建立合作关系。SABMiller持有中国第二大啤酒生产商华润啤酒49%的股份。

Beijing Yanjing Brewery Co., China's third-largest brewer, said it's spurning approaches from the world's 10 biggest beermakers, including Anheuser-Busch Cos. and SABMiller Plc. China's biggest brewer without an overseas partner said it prefers to acquire rather than be acquired. It's planning to spend 2 billion yuan ($241 million) in six years to buy other breweries and increase capacity by two-thirds to 5 million tons. Yanjing is the official beer served at state banquets honoring foreign leaders and other dignitaries. ``We want to be the last bastion of the Chinese-owned beer industry,'' Fu Chunfeng, head of Yanjing's acquisitions desk, said in a telephone interview from Beijing. ``We have a good brand, and we don't lack money.'' Anheuser-Busch, SABMiller and other overseas brewers facing stagnating home markets have been jostling to expand in China, where beer sales are growing. Anheuser-Busch last week outbid SABMiller in a takeover battle for Harbin Brewery Co., valuing China's fourth-biggest brewer at $757 million. That was 70 percent more than Anheuser-Busch paid for a stake last year in Tsingtao Brewery Co., China's largest brewer, based on price versus gallons of beer sold. The world's top five brewers have stakes in Chinese companies. Anheuser-Busch, the world's biggest brewer, is allied with two of China's top four brewers. Its nearest rival SABMiller has 49 percent of China Resources Breweries, China's second-largest brewer. No. 3 Heineken NV bought a stake in a Guangdong Brewery Holdings Ltd. in southern China in January. Also operating with Chinese partners are Interbrew SA, the world's fourth-largest brewer, and No. 5 Carlsberg A/S. `Wishful Thinking' ``It's just wishful thinking on Yanjing's part to want to stay China-owned,'' said Yao Maogong, chief trader at Shanghai Securities Co. ``Foreign breweries are much wealthier, more experienced in marketing their product than Yanjing is. It's just a matter of time before Yanjing caves in and takes on a foreign partner.'' Yanjing is a unit of Beijing Enterprise Holdings Ltd., the Hong Kong-listed investment arm of the city government. Fu said the company wants to expand into coastal provinces such as Guangdong and Jiangsu, which are among the wealthiest in China. He didn't identify any acquisition targets and declined to discuss valuations in the industry after the first overseas battle for a Chinese brewer ended. Yanjing, which had 878 million yuan of cash at the end of 2003, has been on a buying spree in a nation where mergers and acquisitions are stitching together what was once a fragmented industry of small, inefficient brewers. Yanjing averages 380 million yuan of profit from operations every year, Fu said. Tougher Competition ``It takes more than just money to compete with foreign breweries,'' said Shanghai Securities' Yao. ``Besides, Yanjing will find it even harder to compete in the domestic beer market against the likes of Tsingtao now that these Chinese breweries are backed by foreign brewers.'' Last year, Yanjing bought control of rival Huiqian Brewery Group Inc. from the government of the southeastern province of Fujian for 362.4 million yuan. Yanjing said it acquired a 38.2 percent stake in Huiquan to become the biggest shareholder. In December 2002, Yanjing agreed to pay 108 million yuan to raise its stake in a southwestern China brewing plant to 68 percent from 38.4 percent by buying 8.44 million shares from shareholders of Yanjing Brewery (Guilin Liquan) Co. for 21.5 million yuan. Share Price Yanjing's Class A shares fell 1.6 percent to 11.38 yuan China's Shenzhen Stock Exchange at 2 p.m. The shares have risen 37 percent the past 12 months, compared with a 9 percent drop in the Shenzhen A-share Index. Beer sales in China rose 6.3 percent by volume in 2002, compared with 1.3 percent in the U.S. and 2.6 percent in Europe, according to Canadean Ltd., a beverage-research company in Basingstoke, England. China's beer market will expand as much as 5 percent a year until 2008, compared with growth of 0.7 percent for the U.S. and 2.5 percent for Europe through 2005, Canadean said. Chinese consumption averages 19 liters a person, a figure beermakers forecast will rise along with incomes in China, the fastest-growing of the world's top 10 economies. Chinese consumption is about half the South Korean average and about a third of what Australians quaff.




